SF industries CPQ extension


This manage package aims at improving performance & extending configurability of SF industries CPQ (Vlocity). CPQ stands for Configure-Price-Quote and package will improve all 3 steps.

Configure in Cart

For Configure the key challenge is to reduce (waiting) time required for offer selection & configuration, improving user’s experience of the Cart:

  • Add to Cart based on carefully designed caching mechanism
  • Pre-Configure which allows to set all attributes before adding to cart
  • Manual Price Override allowing to change the price fast, without running whole Pricing Engine
  • (BETA) Read Only Cart for approval processes or more complex use cases when some users at some stage are allowed to see byut not change anything in the cart

You will be able to configure several operations which are common requirements and today require coding. With pure configuration you can achieve following:

  • running calculation matrix. Typical use case: attribute based pricing extended with additional inputs - eg. customer segment and additional outputs - eg. cost, minimum price or expected margin.
  • running calculation procedure. Typical use case: calculate some product specific costs or margins.
  • configuring attribute related cardinality rules. Typical use case: a product with one value of an attribute requires some other products with some their attributes set appropriately.
  • fetching custom fields into pricing context. Typical use case: build some logic or conditional pricing based on custom fields.
  • conditional computations based on pricing variables and fields. Simple use case: save original price (before manual override) and compute % of change; calculate installments on-the-fly.
  • automatic totals & roll-ups of custom pricing variables. Use case: calculate effective totals for custom costs or approval thresholds.
  • roll-up of conditional computations based on pricing variables and fields. Use case: based on a flag conditionally include price of child product into price of parent product.

For quoting sub-process the package will help setting up calculations of margins.


All features are designed for performance:

  • flows are optimised, no DML statements, minimum number of SOQL statements
  • cache is used (including vlocity_cmt.CPQPartition and AttributePricingPartition)
  • results of repetitive and costly operations are stored in static data structures
  • options are configured in Vlocity CPQ settings


All features are covered with advanced test classes. Data factory class is fed with JSON file from static resources to allow for extending use cases. Tests cover all supported use cases and combinations of data in SeeAllData=false mode.


This package can save you at least 300MD of CPQ experts by delivering features which normally need to be developed and tested, and saving efforts because of performance issues. It will also guide you to set up proper approach to pricing plan with use of pricing variables.