
Method name: PopulatePricingContext

Put this step as first one in the pricing plan to fetch to pricing context all additional fields required by all other pricing steps. This step will run 1 SOQL query for the whole cart (no matter how many items):

Populate Pricing Context Params


Use following parameters with comma separated list of fields:

  • cartItem to list fields common to all item objects (orderItems, quoteLineItems, opportunityLineIems)
  • orderItem, quoteLineItem for fields specific to each of those objects
  • you can use relations using regular SF dot-notation (eg. PricebookEntry.Product2.vlocity_cmt__ObjectTypeId__r.Name)


When you want to refer object specific out of the box parent-child relations, eg. Quote.IsPerfect__c or Order.IsPerfect__c, define it only once, either for Order or for Quote it does not matter. SFIX will adjust it automatically by detecting object type the pricing is ran for.